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Home - Our Pricing

Ministry of Transport third Party compulsory Motors Insurance

Private Car (PC + Personalized Plate)

Sedan-PC ------------------------- $150.00

Jeep-PC   ------------------------   $200.00

Pick-Up (PP) --------------------   $250.00

Truck- (PT) ----------------------   $576.00

Business Bus

S/S-Max 18person-----------------$440.00

M/S-30 Person----------------------$480.00

B/S-Over 30 persons------------- $520.00

Private Bus

S/S-Max 18person------------$355.00

M/S-30 Person-----------------$385.00

B/S-Over 30 persons---------$420.00

Business Truck (BT)

10-Tons (10 Tyres) --------------$576.00

12-Tons (12 Tyres) --------------$600.00

14-18 Tons (18 Tyres) --------- $640.00

Trailer (22) ----------------------- $800.00

Motorcycle; NG, BC------------ $90.00

Business Car

Sedan ---------------------------$175.00


Pick-Up-------------------------- $300.00

3RD Party Limits of Liability

  1. Maximum  for bodily injury or death any one person-----------------------------  USD$10,000.00

  2. Maximum for bodily injury or death for two or more persons-------------------USD $20,000.00

  3. Maximum for property damage per one accident-----------------------------------US   $ 5,000.00

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